University of Utah Advancement Logo

Bequest Intent Form

This document is a record of your intention to leave a gift to the University of Utah through your estate plan. This document does not bind you or your estate, and your gift will be treated as confidential. However, it does allow us to plan responsibly for the future and encourage other alumni and friends to consider the University of Utah in their estate plans. We recognize that gifts may change over time, and we hope that you will notify us of any changes. 

Thank you for your generosity to the University of Utah.

*If you do not designate a desired College, Program, Purpose and/or Fund
 for your gift, please note that your gift will be used to support the greatest needs of the University of Utah as determined by the President.
Dr. John R. Park Legacy Society Logo

Through the Dr. John R. Park Legacy Society, the University of Utah extends its warm appreciation to individuals who make known their thoughtful gift intentions through a legacy gift. The Park Legacy Society is administered through the Advancement Office. All donors who notify the University of Utah of a legacy gift are automatically enrolled in the Park Legacy Society unless they prefer to opt-out.

If you have questions regarding the Park Legacy Society or this form, please contact any member of the Legacy Giving team at 801-581-6824 or