I understand that the University of Utah’s
Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX cannot properly evaluate my
request for accommodation unless I approve this release and that any information
disclosed under this release could potentially be subject to re-disclosure by
the recipient and no longer protected by federal privacy regulations. I further
understand that relevant information obtained may be shared with the
supervisor(s) in my immediate work unit and other University offices that may
be involved in assisting in the development of reasonable accommodations to
assist me in completing my assigned work-related responsibilities.
I understand that I can revoke
this release in writing at any time by sending a written revocation of
authorization to the University of Utah’s Office of Equal
Opportunity and Title IX. However, I
understand that my revocation will not be effective to the extent that action
has been taken under the release.
By submitting this release, I
represent that I have read the information, understand it, and agree with the
authorization I now make.