UOnline Program Interest Form
We’re excited about your interest in online program development services with University Connected Learning! Please complete this form to the best of your knowledge; it’s fine if these are guesses and estimates at this stage. This initial program information helps inform next steps and conversations for our UOnline program management team.
We'll be in touch, but if questions come up, please reach out to
Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Umail
Did someone from UCL/UOnline direct you to this form?
Who? Generally, what has been discussed?
What is the primary department or college for this program?
Dept/College Account ID
This is an interdisciplinary program
Enter your interdisciplinary details
What is the name of the proposed program?
What is your ideal first semester for enrollment?
Which degree and/or credential type(s) do you hope to build?
(select all that apply)
Which modality do you expect these courses to be taught in?
(select all that apply)
In-Person Courses
sessions held physically on-campus, complemented by online resources.
Hybrid Courses:
combine in-person and remote elements, with some sessions possibly in real-time. These are supported fully by online resources and will be coded in PeopleSoft as Hybrid moving forward.
Online Courses:
entirely remote, self-paced weekly, and do not include scheduled class meetings.
Remote Real-Time Courses:
require scheduled online meetings via video conference with no in-person sessions.
Is this program new to the University?
Yes, it is brand new to campus
No, it is already offered in person, but there is interest in UOnline conversion
No, it is already hybrid, but there is interest in UOnline conversion
No, it is already online, but needs to align with UOnline standards
Please provide a link to the program website
Do you already have curriculum?
As the person submitting for this form, you will be the primary contact for our UOnline program management team. Add any emails here for others in your department who are curious what UOnline is all about:
First Name
Last Name
Add another response
Please provide a brief program description, including information about how this program increases access to the U,
what you know about the market demand, and the value of offering it online.
What are your hopes and dreams for this program?
These next three questions will support market analysis for your program.
What CIP code(s) most closely aligns with this proposed program?
What institutions have similar programs to this proposed program that your department would consider a competitor or benchmark? Enter as many as you can think of.
Institutional considerations: similar program modality,
AAU membership
, and flagship status. Note: UCL benchmarks UOnline with ASU, OSU Ecampus, and UCF Online.
What common job titles or occupations will students be eligible for upon completion of this proposed program?
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